Straighten Your Smile With Invisalign Clear Aligners
In the fast-moving world we live in, we’re all looking for the most straightforward, flexible, and convenient option, and this includes seeking the right braces to straighten your teeth. The needs of the modern orthodontic patient have been met by Invisalign, a removable aligner that puts patients’ day-to-day needs first.
Why has Invisalign become so popular?
Once upon a time, teeth straightening options were limited: most people would think about braces and Ugly Betty or Jaws from James Bond would immediately spring to mind. Invisalign is an aesthetic aligner made from clear BPA-free plastic, so your friends and family may not even notice you are wearing it. The cosmetic design is very appealing to the modern working adult who might not want their smile to change too much during the treatment period.
We’re living in a world of varied diets and eating habits and in the case of fixed braces, eating becomes very limited. For those following a vegetarian, vegan, keto – or any other diet – you won’t have to change your daily eating habits, as you can simply remove the aligners to enjoy your food. You will need to wear the aligners for 22 hours each day, giving you a two-hour window in which to brush and eat.
The level of comfort with Invisalign aligners is another element that sets them apart from other brace models. As they are removable, they are free of brace hardware like brackets and archwires that can scratch the inside of your mouth. The plastic is smooth and the aligners are custom-created for your smile. We will take digital impressions (which are also incidentally much more comfortable than traditional impressions) and use these to create a set of aligners that are uniquely for you.
Over 7 million people have now been treated with Invisalign so the proof really is there in the numbers. The Invisalign system is constantly evolving; a recent additional has been the introduction of ClinCheck, allowing your orthodontist to map out the path to your smile, so you can see the results before you even begin.
Here at Smile Up Dental we’re offering:
- Free consultations
- Free retainers
- Free teeth whitening
Worth £629 with ALL orthodontic treatments.
If you would like to book an appointment with us, click to fill out our easy-to-use online booking form. Alternatively, please give us a call and our team will be happy to find an appointment slot to suit you. We’re easy to find and close to the Deptford DLR station and Greenwich and St Johns train stations as well as several bus services. If you’re looking for a Canary Wharf dentist, our practice is located 27 minutes away via DLR (direct) and 20 minutes away by car.