Meet the team
You’ll find a warm welcome here from people who want to really get to know you. Our team members have come from all over the world to be in London because it’s a fantastic place to be a dentist.
You’re the reason we do this. You keep us motivated to keep giving excellent dental care with love.
You can’t plan an atmosphere like the one at Smile Up, it just happens when the right people get together. It’s special. Everyone working here is friends, and we’re all natural communicators who love to meet new people.
In fact, we probably hold some sort of record for the most languages spoken in a dental practice anywhere (English is our first language but if you’re Spanish, French, Portuguese or Italian feel free to talk in your native tongue — you’ll feel better when you understand absolutely everything we’re explaining to you).
So please drop in and say hello if you live in South London, or give us a ring to ask a question about something that’s been bothering you if you live further afield. Many of our patients travel a long way because they feel so comfortable and relaxed with us.
If you’d like to make an appointment you can do it here or give us a ring on 0203 411 1550.